Quality Control Site Visits and Tool Box Talks
Quality control site visits
In line with the Passivhaus and AECB certification requirements, our consultants visit the construction site to ensure that the build process is consistent with the detailed design.
This involves examining and documenting the following areas of the build process:
Airtightness application
Thermal envelope
Air leakage testing
Window and door installation
Ventilation ducting and routing
Tool box talks
Training workshops designed to familiarise subcontractors with airtightness principles, building materials, and installation design
Airtightness application workshop, appointment and training for the onsite airtightness champion (4 hr)
Thermal envelope toolbox (4 hr)
Air pressure testing, leak testing (4 hr)
Window and door installation and commissioning (4 hr)
MVHR ducting routing and commissioning (4 hr)