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Renewable Energy and Energy Management System Design

Review site energy demand with the application of diversity factors in order to assess the likely total peak demand.

- Array design optioneering aiming for maximum distributed energy generation. This includes the identification and ranking of all potential array locations.

- Creation of initial 2D array layouts

- High level cost analysis against each array option

- Creation of specification for a suitable system

- Review and recommendation of a suitable PV energy divert technologies (thermal solution)

- Review and recommendation of a suitable battery based energy management system with separate electric car charging facility.

- Consideration of demand side response for optimisation

Case Studies

Optimization of Renewable Energy Generation for a Mixed-use Building

A former department store built in the 1860’s being transformed into a one-stop location for hospitality, shopping, and offices.

Zero Carbon Event Space

Low embodied carbon mass timber extension on a historic warehouse resulting in the first large-scale whole life carbon neutral commercial building

True Zero Carbon Educational Centre

A Passivhaus certified new build educational centre offering an innovative learning space for users to engage with nature and environmental sustainability.

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